Hapro Topaz the multifunctional tanning unit

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Hapro Topaz is the multifunctional tanning unit from the Home Tanning collection, which can be placed almost anywhere, thanks to the compact size and flexibility. The 24 (combi-version) and 10 or 12 (vertical version) tanning lamps will give you a perfect tan. The Topaz is also available in an edition with a special face tanner to give this part of your body just that extra accent. The tanning lamps are covered by high quality, UV-transmitting acrylics.


Due to the refreshingly right quality and price ratio, the Topaz is loved and praised in many homes. There are two models you can choose from: a combination of bank and canopy or the single canopy on a tilting stand. Stylish designer details emphasize the professional development of these tanning units and will fit in every interior.

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